วันเสาร์ที่ 8 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

Six principal Keys to Marketing Web Based Products and Services in Latin America

Marketing web based products and services in Latin America can be a real boon to small businesses, medium-sized fellowships and entrepreneurs. These kinds of products and services circumvent many barriers typically connected with Latin American trade. The Latin market may even appear to be imperceptible to many large fellowships due to such factors as:

• disparity in economic levels compared to the Usa and Europe


• ranging currency change rates

• high-end shipping and merchandise change costs

• instability of governments and international trade policies

• corruption

• differences in local customs and regional company practices

• pilferage and other major loss leaders

While these factors do raise concerns, there are ways of minimizing them and effecting viable company and trade venues that can furnish medium to small businesses and entrepreneurs with an instant client / buyer base into the hundreds of millions. Latin America’s current habitancy hovers at nearly 351 million with projections of 435 million by 2025. Some countries like Colombia, Panama, Venezuela, and Brazil are carefully to be economic powerhouses in the Latin world doing billions in trade annually. Even Argentina, Ecuador and Chile, in the process of re-building damaged economies; continue to show safe bet company increase and expand in their economic sectors. Providing web based products and services bypasses many of these areas of concern. Here are six keys to tapping that market:

1. Adjust prices to the economy

Use rebates, discounts and other promotional tools to adjust prices for your online products and services to increase their affordability. Currency conversion rates for many Latin countries, when heavily in your favor, can be brutal for the client / customer. Rates can also reverse fortunes in a matter of hours. Unfortunately, currency change rates are a factor over which you have limited control.

Up to the limited currency change rates are available online at the Universal Currency Converter website: http://www.xe.com/ucc/

2. market to organizations that aid Latin regions

While many may find your products and delivery costs nearly unaffordable, many organizations can and will jump at the chance for dependable, high-quality goods and services which may be unavailable in the regions they serve. Food, health, dental, healing and government organizations can also become key clients. Don’t forget to cover economic, business, trade and marketing seminars and conventions in your marketing plans.

3. Use Affiliate Programs or Mlm to maximize marketing coverage

Entrepreneurs and small businesses to medium – sized fellowships in many Latin countries are clamoring for new ideas and company options. With backgrounds that comprise healthy doses of innovation and “espìritu empresarial”, the possibilities exist for nearly exponential growth. There are hundreds of examples which confirm that the Latin market, despite its “poor” status, is a growing and viable one.

4. furnish a variety of payment options

The quantity of company transactions will be directly in proportion to the estimate of viable payment options available. A estimate of Latin countries have stringent procedures in place to control illegal money laundering, counterfeiting, fraud and. Inflation. Helpful payment options that could be carefully include, among many others, such services as:

• Click bank (http://clickbank.com/)

• Pay Pal (http://www.paypal.com/)

• Western Union ([http://www.westernunion.com/info/])

• American Express (https://corp.americanexpress.com/)

• Inter-bank transfers and other money change services

5. Consider using bi-lingual company materials

Language barriers in company are crumbling but you can greatly increment your information providing coverage by the use of bi-lingual materials. A page on your website, flyers, brochures, Faqs and other online distribution materials can be provided to aid prospective clients and customers in developing detailed knowledge of the benefits and features of your company. Copywriting and translation services for converting your company stationery and key documents into Spanish, French or Portuguese are readily available at cost-effective rates.

6. Allow for typically slower transaction speeds

Whether it’s the climate, the culture, the temperament or the customs, life proceeds at a slower pace south of the border. Same-day transactions in the Usa can take two days to one week or more. Decisions can be made more gradually at times as skepticism is higher among our Latin neighbors. But don’t let the perhaps slower pace fool you, the region is “open for business” in a big way. Get ready to cash in on it – just at a limited slower pace.

Repeated efforts, regular perceive and patience are preeminent to establishing successful company relations in virtually any field of endeavor. Though not every transaction in every case is slower, you should be ready for the differences in company ethics and time constraints. So with some planning and foresight, marketing web based products and services in Latin America can be a boon to you and your company using these six keys to help boost your success.

Six principal Keys to Marketing Web Based Products and Services in Latin America

